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Partnership Information

Safer Roads Humber is the regional road safety partnership. We are all road users, be it as pedestrian, cyclist, horse rider, driver or motorcyclist, and we are all exposed to the risk of using our roads. This is why road safety should be of interest to all of us.


To reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads and maintain that casualty reduction through effective partnership working.

Following a long history of collaboration between police and local authorities, Safer Roads Humber was founded in 2007 and is a non-statutory group of agencies involved in road safety, combining expertise from different organisations to reduce road casualties in the Humber area.

The partnership comprises of Humberside Police, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Hull City Council, North East Lincolnshire Council, North Lincolnshire Council, National Highways and Humberside Fire & Rescue Service. We also work closely with the Ministry of Defence School of Transport in Leconfield.

All partners have agreed to collaborate on casualty reduction in the Humber area, aiming to:

  • Constantly look to reducing the number of casualties occurring on the roads within the Humber area, through a consistent approach to the intelligence led enforcement of road traffic violations and driver awareness
  • To meet national and local casualty reduction targets
  • To improve road safety through the delivery of road safety education, engineering and enforcement
  • To maximise all communication channels in order to inform those who use the roads of the importance of a shared responsibility towards road and community safety
  • To achieve the most effective and efficient use of resources available to the partnership.

The partnership’s main aim is to encourage a change in attitude and behaviour amongst road users so that the roads of Humberside are safer for all.

Safer Roads Humber Road Safety Strategy 2019 – 2022

Safer Roads Humber operates a zero tolerance attitude to all forms of abuse, therefore abusive behaviour towards our staff or the use of inappropriate language causing distress and/or constituting harassment will not be tolerated and could lead to prosecution. Enforcement is undertaken by Safer Roads Humber Compliance and Engagement Officers who are designated as ‘Police Support Officer’s by the Chief Constable of Humberside Police in accordance with Section 38 of the Police Reform Act 2002 as amended by the Police and Crime Act 2017. As Police Support Officers and whilst engaged on their duties, our staff hold certain duties and powers of a constable. Under Section 46 of the Police Reform Act 2002, any person who assaults, resists or wilfully obstructs a designated Police Support Officer in the execution of their duty commits an offence.

Freedom of Information

From January 2005, the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities. The Act also sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities.

The term ‘public authority’ is defined in the Act; it includes all public bodies and government departments in the UK. Safer Roads Humber seeks to be open and accountable and already provides the public with a great deal of information about its activities.

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Safer Roads Humber is not a public authority under the terms of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. However, Humberside Police, who provide the administrative arm of the partnership, are one of the constituent partners who are a public authority.

In the first instance, FOI requests submitted via this website are directed to Humberside Police. However, in situations where a body other than Humberside Police holds the information, requests may have to be redirected to one of the other partners. Applicants will be advised accordingly in the event that their request needs to be transferred.

Requests for information that is not contained within this site can be made via the Humberside Police website.


The procurement of services and goods will be undertaken in accordance with the standing orders of each procuring partner and will accord with EU procurement rules. The procuring partners must demonstrate that the parties have taken advice on whether EU procurement rules apply. Implementation plans should take account of any procurement or competition time scales.


The enforcement of the law often attracts complaints from those affected. The majority of these can be dealt with within the day to day activities of the respective partners. Most complaints are likely to be directed at the Police and refer to enforcement and subsequent processing of offences. The Chief Constable of Humberside Police has determined that general complaints of this nature can be dealt with without the need to be recorded as Direction and Control Complaints.

Complaints against employees of the partnership will be referred to their respective organisations through the Partnership Manager who must be informed immediately of any such event.

Please email the Safer Roads Humber single point of contact email address and depending on the nature of your complaint, it will be looked into by the most appropriate department. Specific complaints which relate to the policies, practices, procedures or the operational working of the partnership will be referred to the Partnership Manager, who will respond accordingly.